iGame02 is a demonstration game to be controlled from AutMote or AutMote_Emulator. It runs on Windows with the .NET framework 2.0. Up to 5 players can play, each with a terminal.
Is a shooting game where each player has to shoot his color on a board.
When you load the game, a window appears with three distinct areas:
- Left area, where will appear the board game.
- Center area, with the available players and scores.
- Right area, with the game controls.
Once the game started, we must create a game. For do this we must choose a level, a match name and press the button to start the match. Then the board is displayed and the red text should be green indicating that the game has begun. The capture below shows an started game.
When the match is created, it can be seen from AutMote and AutMoteEmulator terminals and we can join it. When a player is connected, his cursor will begin to move. The player has to shoot when his cursor is over an area with the same color. In case of hitting, the marker will increase, while if it fails, will decrease. In the following screenshot we can see a player mid-game.
Each player has limited shots, represented by the squares on his marker. Each time you fire, spent ammunition.
The game ends when shots are not available to any connected player. The winner is the player with the highest marker.
To start another game, you just need to press the reset button. It will reset the markers and cursors.
We can change the level at any time, but will restart the game.
The login and password to connect is the player number (for player 1, the user is 1 and the password is 1).